Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Perfect Setting for the Perfect Setting

Walking home very late at night from the 7th arrondissement with G, after going to a choral concert and then a friend's house. Looking up, we see the Eiffel Tower not just lit up but twinkling like 324 metres (that's 1063 ft to you and me) of diamonds -- a lighting trick created for the New Year's celebration at the turn of the millenium and continued since then, nightly.

I go to take a photo of the monument, and of G standing in front of the monument, and look at my pocket camera to figure out what setting to use. Why, of course! If ever there was a time in my life to use this setting,  officially the "Night Snapshot" mode, represented by the icon showing the person in front of the Eiffel Tower at night, it is right now:

This has G and me giggling all the way home. If only there were such a perfect setting for each and every occasion -- the baby-with-food-on-face icon, husband-dressed-up-by-daughters-in-tiara-and-tutu icon, Aunt-Lisa-belly-dancing-at-twighlight icon, etc..  Well, here's the tower again, a freebie photo from a Kodak kid, just to show you as much of the twinkle as a still picture can capture with a small point-and-shoot Canon PowerShot (I left the much bigger and better Canon SLR camera at the apartment).

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